Nurture long-lasting customer relationships with email marketing campaigns

Examples of various email marketing projects

Engage with your customers and boost repeat business with email marketing, from design to segmentation

We devise, design and distribute effective and targeted email marketing campaigns to millions of inboxes worldwide, with each campaign created with purpose - to stimulate an action and deliver an impressive ROI.

Email is a personal, intimate marketing channel and should be treated as such. Ultimately, each individual on your email marketing database has given consent for your business to send something to either their personal or professional inbox - so it's worth taking the time to make sure that what you're sending them is relevant, timely and thoughtful.

We are passionate about email marketing as, when used well, it is an effective connection with your targeted audience and therefore can give you excellent returns. Through email marketing you can reach out to your current and potential customers and keep them updated on your company's latest deals and news while directly measuring the new leads and revenue generated from each campaign.

Planet Organic
Planet Organic

We’ve designed and sent thousands of emails for long-time client Planet Organic, boosting both ecommerce and in-store sales.

Hogies website on desktop and mobile

Hogies is competing against a multitude of established retailers selling the same brands - we helped them build a loyal customer base through targeted email campaigns.

Email marketing services

Email template design

Design is just as important as any other aspect of your email campaigns. Our team of designers create custom templates that align with your brand identity and guide the user journey, inspiring recipients to take the desired action.

Seamless automations

Say goodbye to manual tasks and increase the efficiency of your email marketing activity. We can implement automations to streamline your email marketing efforts via workflows that engage your audience at every stage of the buying process.

Precise segmentation

Personalisation is key to driving conversions. We’ll segment your email list based on demographics, behaviours and preferences, so you can deliver highly targeted content that resonates with each subscriber, boosting open rates, click throughs and ROI.

Platform migrations

Thinking about switching email marketing platforms? We specialise in MailChimp to Klaviyo migrations, helping you to move all of your valuable data from one to the other with minimal impact to your business.

Tracking and reporting

Track, analyse and optimise your email campaigns with ease. We’ll continuously monitor KPIs to provide actionable insights into your campaign performance, allowing you to make data driven decisions that drive results. You’ll receive detailed monthly reports from our team, including a personalised data dashboard for full transparency.

Email marketing for ecommerce businesses

Get your products in front of the right people with email marketing for ecommerce. From abandoned basket automations to carefully curated product recommendations and guides, we’ll craft fully realised campaigns that capture the attention of consumers at several stages of their buying journey.

Common Questions

Is email marketing still effective?

Yes, email marketing remains among the most effective marketing channels for many businesses. It’s the perfect tool for building customer loyalty and repeat business, as you can speak directly to the people who have engaged the most with your products or services, using their purchasing history to deliver personalised recommendations and special offers.

Does Klaviyo work with Shopify?

Klaviyo can integrate with Shopify in just one click. We can help you set up and integrate your Klaviyo account with your Shopify dashboard to streamline your email marketing processes.

How much does email marketing cost?

The exact cost of email marketing is dependent on your brand’s specific needs, such as send frequency and other tasks like design.