Our Work

How we helped Planet Organic achieve a 42% increase in revenue

Planet Organic website on laptop computer

Planet Organic

When Planet Organic was founded in 1995, their mission was to offer the widest range of organic foods available. Their ethos is simple: food should be authentic, ethical and tasty. We worked alongside Planet Organic to help them become a one-stop-shop, not just for food, but clothes, beauty and household items as well.

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The Challenge

As more and more consumers start asking questions about where their purchases come from, we’ve worked to establish Planet Organic as a market leader for sustainably sourced products and eco-conscious purchasing – both on and offline. But while the popularity of organic and ethically sourced products rises, so does competition, so we needed to ensure that Planet Organic outperformed competitors. Plus, with 11 brick and mortar stores, we have to drive both ecommerce sales and footfall.


Over the span of our decade-long relationship, we’ve devised multi-channel marketing strategies to boost website traffic, sales and organic visibility. We’ve also provided extensive ecommerce consultancy services to help the business to scale and grow.

  • Increase traffic to the Planet Organic website
  • Increase online sales/conversion rate
  • Support the growth of seven physical store locations
  • Build customer loyalty through email marketing
  • Increase organic search visibility
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Email marketing

When first taking over the account, we carried out A/B testing to optimise subject lines, content and send times, then devised a strategy based on our findings and a ‘value added’ approach. We also designed and implemented bespoke email templates, ensuring every email is optimised for both desktop and mobile devices. Sending two to three emails per week, we focused our strategy on remaining relevant to the customer, promoting special offers, new product launches and blog content, paying close attention to both customer and industry trends.

We adopted a data-driven approach to increasing conversion rates through strategic retargeting campaigns, using segmentation to target customers based on purchase history, location, gender and interests. We also used this approach to drive footfall in physical locations, advertising in-store events, fresh produce and local brand offerings.

Technical SEO

Our SEO team conducted regular site audits to improve site health and organic performance. The Planet Organic online store has an extensive product library, which can result in empty or unnecessary categories over time. We carried out category cleanups to remove empty collections and consolidate low-quantity collections to improve site quality signals. We also carried out technical fixes such as broken links, 301 redirects and internal linking architecture to boost crawlability.


In order to boost the performance of key collections across the site, we worked to optimise page titles, meta descriptions and on-page copy to implement keywords with good search demand in a bid to boost rankings, drive the intended audience site and ultimately, encourage conversions.

Our content team also carried out an extensive blog audit, utilising data to determine which content pieces are engaged with, which have potential in terms of keyword targeting and which should be removed to limit their impact on overall performance. Our findings from these audits influenced the creation of Planet Organic’s blog content plan, in which we optimise existing content to better cover the given topic, target more relevant keywords and add FAQs to increase organic visibility. Where needed, we expanded content to ensure we  addressed ‘low content’ issues.

Ecommerce management

Over our long relationship, we’ve provided extensive ecommerce management services to Planet Organic, helping them to build and grow the ecommerce side of their business. Our work has resulted in consistent double digit growth in revenue and traffic each year.

Venture Stream acted as first line technical support for Planet Organic’s in-house buying, marketing and customer service teams, resolving technical queries which removed the need to escalate any issues to their developers. We also collaborated with Planet Organic’s buying and marketing teams to ensure online merchandising space is being utilised to its full potential, including paid placements with some of their top performing brands. This involved proposing and implementing site-wide promotions based on seasonality and current performance stock levels to maximise sales all year round.


  • 48.6% Million total audience reach
  • 42% Increase in revenue
  • 34% Increase in transactions
  • 46% Increase in total website users

We first began working with Planet Organic in 2014.

*Since taking over the account in 2014