Case Study

Baby Mori

A sleeping baby boy

The Challenge

Baby Mori is a premium baby clothing online retailer. They position themselves at the forefront of the luxury baby industry and help to deliver a better night’s sleep to families around the UK and US with their super-soft baby sleeping suits.

Mori partnered with us in order to improve SEO performance and increase revenue generated through organic traffic.

As such, we set off to improve the performance of their website ‘blog’ section and to deliver a technical SEO strategy that informs their wider marketing strategy and drive organic sales.

MORI clothes are the absolute premium in their market. The challenge therefore, was to drive quality, market-qualified traffic to their unique products.

Baby Mori Email

The Service

Our strategic approach began by focusing on improving their technical SEO, organic content and conversion effectiveness.

After initial target audience research, we put together a comprehensive SEO audit which formed the basis of our digital strategy. The audit covered everything from technical SEO, content and potential PR avenues.

Using the data from this audit, paired with insights from Google Analytics, we created a multitude of customer personas to ensure MORI’s withstanding touch points were effectively reaching the MORI consumer.

However, in order to establish high rankings and increase visibility and conversions across valuable category pages, it’s critical that content has expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness (known in the SEO world as EAT).

We therefore, exploited a recent google algorithm opportunity which increased the number of times the ‘people also ask’ search feature appears in search.

Combining these findings with keyword research, we were able to find the most commonly asked questions around a specific topic to ensure our content was relevant and was going to drive as much traffic as possible.

Keyword research was a strategic part of the SEO campaign for MORI. We managed both the British & US MORI sites and in our initial analysis found that the copy across the UK and US sites was duplicate.

Naturally, key terms in the US and UK differ greatly. Therefore, extensive research into US-specific terms was carried out and implemented in meta and on-page content across the US site to improve organic performance.

As with any other ecommerce site, the most important pages to increase visibility to are the category pages which make up the majority of conversions. We researched the background behind MORI’s best selling product; the ‘Clever’ Sleeping Bag and looked into the buyer intentions.

With this research we created copy for a landing page specifically showcasing the sleeping bag product which gives the customer all the information they need in one easy-to-navigate, concise place.

As part of this campaign, we also created an SEO-based media list to support MORI’s PR team in their efforts. To ensure this list included publications that were aligned to MORI’s key values and target audience, we analysed close competitors to find where they were featured and then targeted similar publications.

We then acquired data to highlight key areas to improve on in terms of keyword rankings to help us better plan targets for backlinks to pass on to the MORI team.

To compliment the media list created and technical SEO in place, using a specialist ecommerce site builder, we made the posts more aesthetically pleasing, and in turn ‘shoppable’ for the Mori consumer to drive site entrance traffic through the blog.

A graph

The Results

Our creative approach to SEO and content creation for MORI has seen us surpass our clients goals.

The phenomenal results we have achieved are as follows:

  • 80% increase in conversions from organic search year-on year
  • 46% increase in revenue from organic search

Organic content results:

  • Unique page views +310%
  • Entrances to the site through blog content +380%
  • Average time on page  +100%

Organic keyword performance (April vs August 2019):

  • +18% keywords in position 1-3
  • +77% keywords in position 4-10
  • 240% increase in estimated traffic value for all blog pages

This is a result of better engagement with the site, lowering bounce rates and encouraging visitors to return to the site following reading a blog to make a purchase, instead of exiting.