We get asked a lot of questions. By clients, potential clients, colleagues, partners, friends, the cleaners and more. Some of the questions asked are not so suitable for this blog (maybe a separate post on these ones!), but a great deal of them are questions that we’ve heard before and answered before. That’s not to say that we get asked the same questions all the time, but that when you distil the question down to the heart of the matter, many questions have a commonality, wrapped up in personal circumstance or situation.

With that in mind, we had the idea of running a Q&A session, or advice clinic across our social media channels, with the hope of helping people out with their digital marketing woes. We’ve all set there wracking our brains, searching for an answer to a question that’s been niggling us for days – now’s your chance to ask one of our digital marketing and ecommerce experts and get some free advice and answers.

For example, you might be wondering what Quality Score means in Google AdWords. You might be puzzled over how to handle expired content and redirects. You may well be looking for some reassurance on your email marketing KPIs. Affiliate marketing leaving you flustered? Being kept up at night worrying about your conversion rate? Fear not, we’re here to help!

We’ll be running a session on a pre-determined topic each week (starting next week), and would love for you to get involved with your questions on the subject. We’ll respond via social media, where possible, or write up a little blog post answering your question if a longer explanation is needed. We’ll also be wrapping up each week with a round-up blog post looking at the best, most interesting and most popular questions and answers so you can check back and use it as a handy resource.

The topics we have so far include: SEO, PPC, CRO, Email, Affiliates, Content and Ecommerce. We’ll be using the #AskVS hashtag as well as the appropriate channel (#SEO, for example) each week.

Let us know via the comments or on social media if you’d like us to cover any other areas, and stay tuned for the first of many #AskVentureStream sessions.