From May 8th, Venture Stream will be walking 10,000 steps every day for one week in support of Walk In Her Shoes. Whether pacing around the office, having more active meetings or ditching the car and walking to work we’ll be upping our stepping game to reach our target to help this fantastic cause.

Across the world 1 in 10 households don’t have access to safe water, something we take for granted in the UK. The burden of collecting drinkable water often falls onto women and girls and in doing so denies them the opportunities of full-time employment or an education. They could spend up to 6 hours every day walking for water and carrying 20kg (20 litres) home with them, a long and exhausting journey.

“I wish I could go to school, but I have to walk and that is the way it is.”



So how can we help? We’re going to be walking in their shoes. We’re going to walk 5 miles each day to help raise money for Ambie and others like her to have a clean water supply closer to her home so she can have an education, a job and reach her full potential without the weight and burden of walking miles each day for her family and clean drinking water.

We’d love your help, want to join in? Sign up here!
Want to help spur on Venture Stream and help us reach our target? Donate here! 

Keep an eye out on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for updates.