MuseumNext is Europe’s big conference on innovation and technology in museums. Started by Jim Richardson, founder of our neighbours, Sumo Design, and sponsored by our office-mates Komodo Digital, among others, it’s now in its sixth year, having firmly established itself as the must-attend event for anyone interested in the future of museums.

The conference, held on the banks of NewcastleGateshead, attracts delegates from all around the globe and offers three streams of presentations, workshops and unconference sessions, as well as a series of fringe events.

I (Marty Hayes) was asked to speak at the conference, covering the vast topic of SEO. Over the recent weeks I’ve been pulling together my presentation; An Integrated Approach to Search Marketing, which will leave delegates clued up on:

  • How search marketing has evolved
  • What an integrated approach to search marketing looks like
  • How to look for opportunities in your market

It’s been an exciting challenge distilling the complex and ever-changing strands of search marketing into a 55 minute presentation suitable for a room full of delegates from different countries, backgrounds and professions, but one that I’ve relished. The talk will cover everything from Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird, to Technical SEO, Content Marketing and User Behaviour, with a little bit of Research, Strategy and Execution thrown in for good measure.

If you’re coming along to MuseumNext, you’ll be able to catch my session on Friday 20th June at 11am. For those of you not able to make it (or for those who will see it, but want a recap) you’ll find a slideshow of the presentation posted below later in the week.