Which metro station is nearest to quayside landmark, The Baltic? If you think you know the answer, then we’ve got the game for you!

We’re excited to announce that Venture Stream has partnered with Nexus to develop a new online game, Station Master, as part of the Tyne & Wear Metro’s 40th anniversary celebrations. 

Station Master is an interactive quiz featuring 20 multiple choice questions, designed to test travellers’ knowledge of the North East and its 60 metro stations. The game also includes photos of the local area, tips on places to visit and a leader board feature to see how you scored against other players that day. 

Nexus partnered with Digital Catapult North East at Sunderland Software City to source a local company with an original idea. The brief was to come up with a creative way to promote the metro service and the local area. 

Chris Ogle, New Business Development Manager at Venture Stream, pitched the concept of a simple quiz game featuring attractions within reach of the metro system. Venture Stream was appointed to develop the project a week later. 

Anna Malley, Project Manager at Sunderland Software City, says: “It’s been a pleasure working with Nexus and Venture Stream to explore how technology can be used to engage more residents with their local history, culture, and Metro. 

When Nexus approached us, they were looking for new ways to use technology to help passengers learn more about different Metro stations and destinations. We invited local companies from the tech and digital industries to pitch potential solutions, which led to the development of the game by Venture Stream. We’re excited to be able to play the game! “ 

Chris Ogle adds: “With the majority of our team being regular metro users, it was a great incentive to get everyone together and come up with ideas for the 40th anniversary celebrations. We hope users across the North East will enjoy our creation, mixing nostalgic memories with modern attractions that the Metro has within reach of it’s network.”  

Designed to celebrate the metro’s history, it’s hoped that Station Master will encourage more travel around the North East, and inspire residents to take an active interest in their local area and learn more about its achievements. 

Officially opened in 1980, the Tyne & Wear Metro system as we know it today has served the North East for 40 years, allowing North East residents to travel with ease between Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Sunderland, North Shields and South Shields. Its development is seen as one of the North East’s biggest industrial achievements to date. Famously declared open by Her Majesty the Queen, the Nexus Metro system was one of Britain’s biggest urban transport projects of the 20th century. 

“We’re delighted to be able to launch this new game as part of our anniversary celebrations”, says Huw Lewis, Customer Services Director at Nexus.

“It’s a bit of fun, aimed at all ages and we hope it keeps people entertained while on the Metro or elsewhere. It also really does highlight the areas that we cover, and the fantastic range of attractions within easy reach of our stations.”

If you think you have what it takes to become the Station Master, you can take on the quiz at nexus.org.uk/metro/station-master. Simply hit the ‘Play Now’ button to begin. Don’t forget to let us know how you scored!

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