We enjoyed quite a year here at Venture Stream in 2016. From new ventures to new partnerships, we kept you updated throughout the year via our regular insights.

So in true New Year style, we thought we would collate our most popular posts over the last year and share them with you here again. It’s always interesting to us to find out what you enjoy reading and learning about and the following list of posts certainly was an eclectic mix of industry news, new ventures and recommendations.

In reverse order, here are our most popular and well-read posts of 2016:


10) 5 Unconventional Tips to Becoming A Designer
Our resident Design Consultant Adele Mitchinson put together her top 5 tips on the career path to becoming a designer, proving it is not always the conventional route that will make you a success in this field.


9) Past, Present and Future of Digital Business 2016
Mid year, our MD and founder Vic Morgan put together an arrangement of slides to guide us through the history of Venture Stream and what it takes to get a successful business off the ground.


8) No Ecommerce System Is An Island
Technical Director Andy Redfern helped us to understand just how the perfect ecommerce system should work and offers some tips on how to make the customer experience that much better.


7) AlphaGraphics UK and Venture Stream Announce Joint Partnership
June 2016 was an exciting month for us as we formed a strategic partnership with print and marketing communications company AlphaGraphics. Working together we will provide digital marketing services to complement and expand on the services AlphaGraphics already offer.


6) The Job Description: An Endangered Species
As a relatively new company, employing new talent is at the forefront of our expansion plans. Finding good talent however can be difficult, our Digital Director Marty Hayes ponders the traditional methods of the recruitment process and some of the techniques that have worked well for us so far.


5) Newcastle-based Venture Stream Reports Record Growth
In March last year, a number of local and national print and online publications, reported on our recent successes. With 60% growth in the 12 months prior, on target to achieve £1 million turnover by year end, trebling the size of our office space and maintaining a 95% client retention rate – we had lots to shout about!


4) First Year at a Digital Marketing Agency
Interest in how to gain access into a new career helped this post become the fourth most read throughout 2016 and provides 5 life lessons by one of our Digital Marketing Consultants, Paula Bowron.


3) Route 50: Flashbacks of a Digital Entrepreneur
Unsurprising, the third most popular post was written again by our MD Vic Morgan and is a great insight into his memories and life adventures as he built the company Venture Stream from scratch.


2) Instagram Gains An Algorithm, Users Lose Their Minds
A topic that became very important to the social landscape were the rumours of Instagram introducing a new algorithm that dismayed users and threw temporary doubt on its future. As one of the largest social platforms, our intern turned digital marketing consultant Ellie Smith ran through some top tips on how to remain ahead of the game and maintain success on the popular channel.


1) Top 5 CRO Tools for Shoestring Budgets
So the wait is over… coming in at Number 1 is the immensely popular blog by Digital Director Marty Hayes. For anyone unsure how CRO can help the business, this post runs through 5 of the top tools that will cost little to nothing.

We hope you enjoyed our 2016 roundup, we’d love to know what you would like us to post more of over the coming year, comment below or tweet us your suggestions. And if you’d like to see how we can help you develop your digital performance, apply for your free audit now. Happy New Year from all of us at Venture Stream!