Employee wellbeing is so important to us here at Venture Stream and we pride ourselves on being a ‘family first’ agency, making sure the ideal work-life balance is struck for all on the team. 

Whilst we’ve always done our best to allow our staff the flexibility they need to balance work and personal life, traditionally office working vs remote working has always been an 80/20 split for our business.  

Lockdown has been a huge transition for most of our team, with everyone making the switch to home working since lockdown measures were implemented back in March as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

At first there were a few teething problems, such as a lack of equipment or dedicated space to work and pets/kids/housemates hijacking our conference calls! In spite of all of this, our overall productivity has remained extremely high and we’ve managed to maintain a good flow of business over the past few months.

Conscious that we weren’t able to see everyone everyday however, we wanted to check on how everyone was doing and feeling. Not only as a result of home working, but in response to the pandemic more generally as well. Were any team members lacking the tools they needed to work from home? Did everyone feel they had access to healthcare as and when they needed it? How were people truly feeling? A survey seemed like the perfect way to find out. Upon searching the internet in the hope of finding some sort of template, we discovered that there were barely any useful resources out there for compiling staff wellbeing surveys, so we created our own.

This questionnaire that we’ve built covers five different key topics:

  • Physical and mental health
  • Access to resources
  • Current remote working situation
  • How this could be improved
  • Returning to work/the office

As the end of lockdown nears and the world looks towards “the new normal”, we’d like to share our survey with other businesses and organisations in the hope that it’ll be as useful to them as it was to us. 

Feel free to download our template, adjust to fit your business and share with your team.

Download our Staff Wellbeing Survey Template here

Remote Working