Every dog has it’s day and today is indeed that day. The launch of Pack Leader Dog Adventures sees the arrival of quality dog treats and accessories in one simple location. This is a brand with a unique style and personal approach. Customers can shop safe in the knowledge that the products stocked are only those that Dom Hodgson (the brains behind Pack Leader) would use on his own clients dogs. From Ruffwear collars and Lily’s Kitchen treats to KONG interactive toys P & L Superior Beds – Pack Leader has it all.

“It’s been great fun working with such an exciting brand and a very passionate small business owner, Dom. The team at Venture Stream have thoroughly enjoyed sculpting a new and exciting look for the Pack Leader Store.”

– Andy Robinson, Creative Director

To shop and explore Pack Leaders new (ad)venture click here.

If you’re looking at starting, renewing or re-sculpting your brand – look no further than Venture Stream for all your digital marketing needs. Contact us today or why not say hello on Twitter.