
This Wednesday was the much anticipated launch of the first ever Amazon Prime Day – rumoured to bigger, and better than Black Friday.

Amazon’s much hyped Prime Day turned out to be nothing more than a lot of hot air for most. Shoppers took to the site expecting a fabulous bargain off tech gadgets and gizmo’s but were met with nothing more than a disappointing miss-match of garage sale items.

This silver lining for us non-Prime customers is the aftermath of disgruntled shoppers who took to Twitter to voice their displeasure with the online shopping company using the hashtag #PrimeDayFail.

To cheer you up this gloomy Friday morning we’ve gone and selected the best tweets that made us literally LOL – and we’re sure you will too!


English muffins are good in our books!

Don’t knock the ham man!

The struggle is real!

Ermm, actually we kinda wanted these!

It’s not just you Fry…

Sorry Amazon, it just didn’t work.

Better luck next time!