Digital marketing, like any other profession, has its fair share of industry-specific jargon that the general population may have never heard or don’t fully understand. Even the best marketers don’t always know what every single marketing term means or understand their significance to client results.

That’s why we’ve compiled a basic list of need-to-know marketing terms for businesses to gain a better understanding of the services that marketing agencies offer and what they mean for your bottom-line.

A/B Testing

In the simplest of terms, it is the comparison of one element against another to see which one performs better. It can be as simple as testing whether your customers prefer emojis in your email subject lines or as sophisticated as determining whether the style of one web page yields more conversions than another.

Sometimes referred to as split testing, A/B testing is an ideal way to develop an understanding of your customer’s needs and preferences and a way to ensure you’re always giving your marketing assets their best chance at success.

Bounce Rate

A ‘bounce’ on your site is a single-page session when a visitor lands on a page on your site and exits without clicking on any other pages or links. Your bounce rate is the percentage of single-page sessions out of your total sessions in a given time period.


‘CTA’ or ‘Call-To-Action’ refers to a button or message designed to gain an immediate response. For example, if you’re an online retailer, you might have several CTAs across your site such as ‘login now’, ‘buy now’ or any other number of direct devices intended to encourage customers to complete a behaviour.


‘Pay-Per-Click’ advertising is a type of online marketing where you can set up a campaign that will only charge you for the number of times your ad is clicked or will expire once your set budget is depleted. PPC campaigns use ad spend to gain qualified traffic / website visitors that will convert or grow an engaged social media following quickly, as opposed to waiting for your target market to find you organically. There are a range of PPC campaigns, including: paid search ads, shopping campaigns, display and remarketing ads and social advertising.

To find out more about PPC and how it can benefit your business, read our PPC case study here.


‘Search Engine Optimisation’ is a series of tactics designed to improve search engine rankings which can ultimately lead to increased organic website traffic. Some broader strategies for this include increasing site speed, improving SEO content and on-site engagement to increase rankings and building high-quality backlinks.

To learn all about the dos and donts of SEO in 2018, read our insightful blog here.


‘Conversion Rate Optimisation’ is a series of tactics designed to increase the percentage of site visitors that are converted to customers. This conversion doesn’t necessarily have to be a purchase, it can be any desired behaviour from clicking a specific link on your page or submitting contact details into a form.

Through the use of analytics and customer feedback, CRO tactics range from the small – making your call-to-actions more prominent on the site – to the big – restructuring your conversion funnel to remove or reduce pain points for your customers.


‘User Experience’ broadly refers to the experience (emotions and attitudes) of users while they engage with a specific product or service. In the digital marketing world, this typically applies to a users interactions with a website when they are trying to find information or purchase a product. Being able to identify what users or customers want and need is incredibly valuable information.

Do you need help with marketing your business? Contact us today to find out how we can help you achieve your digital marketing goals.