As a company keen on supporting and encouraging new and fresh talent, it is with great joy we announce our newest client – The Marches Academy, as we provide Online PR to promote and market its Festival of Education 2017.

Designed to inspire and equip delegates from all educational backgrounds to be the best teachers and educators they can be, the festival will feature a wide range of leading speakers in an array of different on-site Zones.

Our services include online PR to promote the festival, as well as email marketing, social media & content marketing. We will also optimise the festival’s webpage using web development, and look at existing analytics to improve lead generation and CRO.

“The potential for The Marches Academy Trust Festival of Education to become an annual event in every teacher’s diary is huge, as this festival truly has something to inspire and stimulate educators of every kind. I’m excited to see the heights this festival can reach with the help of some online PR and digital promotion.” – Jade Brodie, PR and Content Marketing Consultant

If you’d like to see how we can help promote your brand online using PR get in touch with us today.