In the spirit of cooperation and the lean startup movement, on Wednesday this week, Marty Hayes, Andy Robinson, and me from Venture Stream along with our mate Andy Redfern from CommVia, got together for a Skype and caffeine-infused meeting and within an hour we had debated and agreed a concept, purchased a web domain and launched our MVP in the form of a blog called Analytics Anonymous, we even cooked up a strap line “the first step is admitting you have a problem!”  The ultimate goal?  We have a dreamy idea of building a crowd-sourced digital marketing agency which unites clients and suppliers to achieve faster and better results, but we want to crawl before we walk.  Having said that, we’re off to more of a sprint with 150 visits on Day 1, and came close to monetizing the site on Day 2! Sweet.  PS Please let us know if you have any feedback, ideas or would like to get involved.