So your website is live, social media, organic SEO, paid search and emails are working completely in sync with one another to drive good traffic levels; yet once people reach your site no-one is doing what you want them to….

Sound familiar?

User Experience – UX is what it says on the tin. It is the user experience i.e. the interaction that a web visitor has with various elements of your website, and most importantly how they feel about it.

Conversion Rate Optimisation – CRO works hand in hand with the UX. By creating an experience that the user enjoys but also steers them towards your desired action i.e. hitting the ‘buy’ button!

It sounds pretty simple, but when designing a website UX is one of the most challenging elements to get spot on. And without it, you could have a beautiful website that nobody wants to use.

If a customer is unable to find what they are looking for, or the experience is slow, clunky or forced then they are sure to go elsewhere. It is therefore key that you adhere to a ‘user-centric’ approach and constantly ask ‘what would the user do’? giving each visitor the ideal experience.

For an e-commerce site, UX is the difference between someone buying your product, and someone clicking the big red X of their browser never to return. And with that, one of the main areas for improvement is the online check-out process.

This is where Venture Stream is at hand, we specialise in e-commerce websites meaning we know what makes users tick and what makes them spend. From testing, critiquing and designing we know how to create a seamless, hassle-free and enjoyable user experience from the moment someone visits your site, all through to when they place the order – time and time again.

Get in touch today to discuss your options.

For now, we’ll leave you with this – don’t be that guy!