Having worked on both client side and in-house, Hayley has diverse experience working across a large variety of industry sectors.

Her customer experience ranges from working with local start-ups to Enterprise level global companies, delivering campaigns, POS, Events, Packaging and Specialising in Branding.

Having spent over 8 years at Sage UK working as part of the Brand Marketing team, she gained valuable insight into how large scale businesses operate, what challenges their clients have and who they market to.

Hayley shares “Working at Sage changed the way I thought about design, It helped me get inside the head of the end user, how using a product or service would help to make their life easier and how they would benefit. Using this knowledge I was able to shape campaigns and messaging around this. My design had a function not just something that looks visually pleasing.”

With this expertise Hayley then went on to set up her own business, enjoying the customer interaction, and enabling her to build up a good customer base of clients around the UK and abroad.

She then took her family and business off to sunnier climates, with the advantage of working remotely. This brought with it a new way of working, learning a new culture and way of life. Discovering how in Spain they do things very differently, at a much more chilled out pace, a complete contrast of life in the UK!

She wanted to continue to learn new skills and branch out more into the digital world. This opportunity came her way by securing the role at Venture Stream at the start of 2019.

“It’s an exciting time for me, what a great way to start the year!. I’m up for new challenges that come along with the job, and passionate about design, I’m hoping I can make an impact to their customers and try new things. It’s great once again to be part of a team, as I believe in order to grow, the best way is to learn from others”.

As we continue to grow, we’re always on the lookout for the next member of the team, take a look at our current vacancies here.