Yesterday Casey Neistat, YouTube Vlogger and Film Maker, went “Live” on Instagram and smashed over 17k viewers in minutes. I was one of them. For a good 3 minutes, I looked into the phone staring at what looked like someone’s pocket only to discover that Casey’s Daughter, Franny, had accidentally taken his phone.

His captive audience, wait no, captive loyal audience waited for something great – even if it just turned out to be accidental.

As video moves more into the limelight we see increased developments in social platforms to aid more real and representative videos. You’ve no time to filter if it’s happening. Right. This. Second. We want it faster, we want to know what’s going on and we want it moving.

I was a great lover of “Periscope” which opened huge doors for virtual global travel. One moment I was walking through a park in New York, the next I was sitting in someone’s living room in Stoke-on-Trent – so on and so forth.

So, how can “Going Live” help your business?

Be your own Lovemark

Firstly, live video helps to create a hands-on, personal approach to your business.

“Lovemark” Definition: A Lovemark is a brand that creates Loyalty Beyond Reason. It does this by forging an emotional connection with consumers through the use of mystery, sensuality and intimacy.

Lovemarks are just as relevant today as they were 50 years ago, customers want to make real, loyal connections to your brand and the more doors you open to your world; the more they’ll engage.

Open yourself up to criticism

Not all bad criticism though! By letting customers see a real version of your brand you’re also allowing them to give feedback. This isn’t just window shopping it’s a live Q&A. Use this platform to discover things about your brand you didn’t even know yourself. Let customers tell you about your experience. Let people know you’re open to improvements and more importantly – improvements for them.

Break down the business barriers

For years now advertising has been about big budgets and flashy imagery. Be your own captain and the face of your brand. All you need is your phone, something to talk about and the confidence to go live. Create engaging content around your brand and watch your followers increase. Follow other influential brands and see what they’re doing.

Personal favourites are those who go live with minimal effort and with nothing over-egged. I’m captivated by simplicity, honesty and reality. Check out Livia’s Kitchen as an example – talking about everything from the gym to new products – with a following of 107k followers she’s doing something right!

What are you waiting for? Give it a go and see what new doors going Live can do for you.
Available on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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