As a self confessed Amazon addict I don’t think there is anything I haven’t tried to purchase from Including clothes, paper goods, electronic books, perfume, knitting needles, the wool to go with it, the bag to keep it all in and even a couple of times from sheer laziness, food. When the introduction of the ‘wish list’ app came in I didn’t even need to be on the site to be mentally, and then later, physically spending money. I love the ease and quickness of purchasing from the site. Oh! What’s more, who doesn’t like getting a cheeky package in the post? I am guilty of even forgetting I ever bought anything – added bonus or scary surprise, depending on how you look at it.

Now after a delightful email I received yesterday I find I don’t even need to leave social media to join the army of shopaholics. I want it. I hashtag it. What could be easier? It’s the digital world of having a PA. “Jonathan take down a memo! I have spotted some shoes I wish to purchase, not right now, but very soon.” Except in this world there is no Jonathan, there is only me, Amazon and my plastic money.

So as an experiment, of course, I found a much-desired product of a “Dirt Devil”. All you have to do then is hit reply and hashtag #AmazonBasket and then I got a lovely tweet back and even an email of confirmation. Social media love. Sure enough when I pop in to view my basket there it is – the said Dirt Devil awaiting my payment. Boom. Shopping at it’s finest. Thank you Amazon, you brilliant devils you.

However, a couple of things that did niggle me slightly – it automatically signed me into Amazon US so everything was in dollars and it didn’t synch with my other basket (the one with hundreds of items in!) Also, I am highly confident this will be a # used more regularly than #throwbackthursday does this then leave Twitter open to a re-think on how we show the most popular talked about conversations? Or are we prepared for the # trending importance to go by the wayside when other high brand companies start using this feature in a similar way?