We live in an age now where information is not only easily accessible but expected. Whether you’re looking for the closing time of your nearest supermarket, the price list for a hair salon or the phone number of a local restaurant to make a reservation, this information can usually be found within a matter of seconds thanks to Google and smartphone technology. People know they can find whatever service or business information they’re looking for easily by using Google search. This is why for small and local businesses it’s crucial to take make the most of this, and take full advantage of Google’s directory tool – Google My Business.

What is Google My Business?Venture Stream gmb1
Google launched Google My Business in 2014 as an additional profile within Google+ for brands and businesses to feature geographical and contact information, as well as business hours, website links, images, reviews and much more. This allows the business to appear within Google search as a distinct service with all relevant information neatly organised in a profile box, ready for customers, both existing and new, to view.

Here we look at the advantages and benefits of implementing Google My Business as part of a digital marketing strategy for small and local businesses, and how to go about setting it up.


Local SEO
Ultimately, Google My Business could be understood as an extremely useful and effective local SEO tool. The profile categories provided allow business owners to input large amounts of key information directly into, what is essentially Google. As a result, businesses will have a much better chance of being recognised and ranked well in Google search. As a free tool, this will really help promote your business or services for those searching locally

Google Maps
By filling in the geographical location information your business will also appear on Google maps. This means your shop, office or warehouse will be visible and catalogued on maps which could be beneficial in attracting new customers, as well as giving Google a thorough understanding of the whereabouts of your business. For example, if a customer using a device with locations activated searches for your business type in maps, your business will show up on the map.

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Analytics, Insights & Reviews
As well as the SEO & maps features provided, GMB offers a new set of analytics and insights for businesses to track and understand web traffic from search. Insights include how customers are searching for your business (direct search or discovery), where customers are searching (via maps or Google search) and the subsequent actions they take. Furthermore, Google My Business offers customers the opportunity to review businesses they’ve encountered, which is a brilliant and effective way to encourage new customers.

How to use it
Creating a Google My Business profile for your business is simple. All you need is a Google account set up and to follow the verification procedure. One complete, you will have access to build a detailed profile of your business – and remember, the more thorough, the better!

If you’re looking for any more Google My Business, SEO or digital marketing for local businesses advice drop us an email – we’ll be happy to assist.