If you follow us on social media, you’ll likely know that we made the shortlist for our first European Search Award a few weeks back.

The big night was 27th May, and with face-to-face events still very much off the table due to Covid-19, it was hosted virtually over live stream.

This didn’t stop us from rolling out the red carpet however, with COO Andy making the office look a million dollars with balloons, table decorations and even disco lights!

Venture Stream Office

The European Search Awards 2021

Hosted by TV presenter Jenny Powell, who you may be familiar with if you were a fan of Wheel of Fortune, the awards ceremony was streamed over the internet with special guests appearing throughout the night to virtually present each award.

There were 44 categories in total, mostly spanning across SEO and PPC, plus several for the best software and agencies as a whole. The ceremony consisted of each award being presented one at a time, with the winner announced by a special guest such as a category sponsor.

The European Search Awards, organised by Don’t Panic Events, is one of (if not the) biggest events in search, attracting over 700 entries annually.

Our entry

If you saw our previous blog, you’ll already know that Venture Stream was shortlisted for the Best Low Budget (SEO) category – our first ever entry for the European version of this award. We’ve previously entered the UK Search awards, and won for Best Small Integrated Search Agency.

Unfortunately, we didn’t win this time, but we had an absolute blast watching the event and sharing some good food and drinks with the team.

It was still a proud moment for us to be shortlisted alongside some of the biggest and best agencies in the whole of Europe, and to have our incredible work with our client Direct 4 Baby recognised by our peers. Not only did we achieve record-breaking revenue (206% increase year on year, to be exact) but also achieved top 3 search ranking positions for 280 keywords as well.

If you didn’t catch the European Search Awards 2021, you can watch it below.

Congrats to all of the finalists this year, win or lose, and hopefully see you all in person in 2022!

You can take a look at all of our awards so far here.