Here at Venture Stream we know how important it is to get your email marketing right. To help make sure you’re maximising your potential on your next send we’ve put together 5 quick ways you can start improving your emails today from rethinking your pre-headers to dissecting past emails.

1. Include Pre-headers

By not including a stellar pre-header you’re missing a key opportunity, this should be put in place to maximise on your subject line, an added hook as to why the customer should open the email. By leaving it to its own demise it’ll pull in the first text in your email and sadly it’ll be something like, “View Online” it’s not very engaging and a tad dull. Don’t miss this opportunity to sell yourself.

2. Link Everything

You’ll be surprised at how many huge retail brands negate linking images within their email. By not linking your imagery you’re missing out on key traffic to your site. I, myself, am quite lackadaisical when I’m clicking on an email. If it interests me I’ll engage but I won’t if my only opportunity is a small CTA button or I have to work hard to find the information I need, and I’m not alone. Make your links obvious and don’t forget them.

Your email’s job is to engage and drive traffic so when you do include links make sure the information is to your own site. If it’s for a third party, consider hosting the information on your own blog or landing page too.

3. Write A Good Great Subject Line

A well-designed subject line could make the difference in sales. How? A poorly written subject line will not be opened and will spend its life unopened, deleted and unloved for the rest of its days. Help your email fulfil its destiny and write a winning subject line. Make it engaging and informative but try to move away from click-bait. A great way to find your winning line is to send an A/B test too.

4. Send To A Targeted List

Over-targeting your main pot of data can lead to disengagement and unsubscribes, however, if you select more targeted groups for your campaigns you’d hope to see higher engagement levels. For example, by using MailChimp you can segment your list to non-openers and re-target those who missed/stopped opening your previous emails, by location and offer specific store deals to customers close by and so much more. Segmenting your list appropriately can help build a better relationship with your customers and stop spamming.

5. Report

It’s easy to become complacent with a good email if it’s a strong channel for you already or if you see a good return you can get into a groove. However, like a lot of marketing, it changes regularly and the best way to stay out in front is to remember to report on this channel. Which ones performed best, what times, can you test more, what results are you seeing? Create a round-up ready for your next send and see what difference it makes to how you structure your email.

Want to see how we can help you improve your emails why not drop us a message today.