Keeping your social profiles up-to-date, fresh and unified is integral to your social strategy these days.
We’ve come up with 10 handy tips to clean up and streamline your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles to maximise engagement with customers and clients.

1. Perfect your About me

Updated your email? Changed address? Or even got a new phone number? It is so easy to forget to change these across your social channels but it is one of the first ways people may look to get in touch with you2

2. Update your ‘Call to Action’ button

This is where you are able to directly drive traffic to your site with clear purpose – such as getting people to shop, give you a call, sign-up to your newsletter and more!

Just click the drop down menu on your page and select Edit Call to Action – from there you can select what your call to action says as well as the URL.



3. Allow your fans and followers to send you a private message

Never underestimate the value of being able to be contacted on a 1-to-1 level by a fan. Check if you have this active by going to your page’s General settings – click ‘Edit’ button and then check the box to allow people to privately message your page.

4. Create Lists

Organise who you follow by creating ‘Lists’. This is perfect for putting your favourite Twitter profile in a neat & tidy place all together.

Just head to your profile and click Lists and create a new list. These can either be private (i.e. competitors) or public (i.e.influencers) which you may want your fans to know about too!

Adding to your lists is easy, just head to Following from your profile and on each account, click the gear icon which will give a drop down menu and you select Add or remove from lists… and simply check the list you want that user to be a part of.


5. Profile revamp

Not as intense as it sounds, simply refreshing your cover photo, profile picture, bio, website or colour theme.


6. Pin a Tweet

Got something especially exciting to rave about or an upcoming event everyone needs to know about? Pinning a tweet is the best way to make sure every visitor sees it as it will always be the first tweet they see. But be sure to keep it fresh!To pin a tweet, go to your profile page. Pick the tweet you want to pin or tweet a new one. Click the ellipsis ellipsis on the bottom right of your tweet.

Select Pin to Your Profile Page.


7. What you’re about

Businesses are ever evolving and so should your LinkedIn page – it should reflect the best version of you there is. That means a description that tells people what you are really about, what matters to you as a business and the best ways to contact you.

In the Specialities section be sure to use relevant keywords for your business which will help you turn up on LinkedIn Searches.


8. Direct people

Offer people a variety of content that directs them to your site is the best way to keep them engaged with your company. Keep your content informative, interesting and relevant.

You can also delete URLs once LinkedIn has pulled them through so that you keep your updates clean and concise.


9. Banner Images

Have a banner image that reflects your brand and brings your page to life! This is the default view when people land on your page so you want to grab their attention with both hands and make them want to stick around. Use this space to highlight and promote your unique brand.

The size of the LinkedIn Company Page banner image should be 646 x 220 pixels.


10. Pin Updates

Similar to Twitter, you are able to pin updates to your homepage to bring them to the forefront of people’s minds. Select a post that already has good engagement so that there is the social proof that the content is valid and useful.


Once you’ve posted your update, just click the Pin to top button. Just be sure to rotate this and keep it fresh!

Well, that’s a wrap from us – got any other hints or tips to share with us?

Get social with LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter!